Working for Hire Space

Frequently Asked Questions

We're dedicated to creating an environment where amazing people can excel. Below you can hear directly from the team what it's like to work for Hire Space.

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Diego Cuñado García

Diego Cuñado García

Senior Product Manager

How does Hire Space create a diverse and inclusive culture?

I think that the fact that two thirds of the transformation team are not British, or English is not their main language speaks by itself.When tackling complex tech problems we always try to find answers in past experiences, and the fact that our backgrounds are so diverse is a great way of ensuring that we always find the perfect solution and just the only one that we have.

Phil Dunn

Phil Dunn

Frontend Engineer

What are some unique perks Hire Space offers to its employees?

Super flexible ways of working in terms of both hours e.g. +/- 3 hours GMT and remote/office balance. Where you can choose to be fully remote to everyday in the office and anywhere in between. The way you work is left entirely up to you, I think this one thing that sets hirespace apart, being actually fully flexible on the way each person wants to work.

Phil Dunn

Phil Dunn

Frontend Engineer

What do you enjoy most about working for Hire Space?

The founders are constantly sense checking with the team on culture, well being and benefits. The are genuinely concerned with the team and what makes them happy, constantly adjusting accordingly. This is done through being open to suggestions, polling the team on what they want , having an external culture guru who checks in often. All enable them to listen and respond, rather than just talking, there is lots of action.

Diego Cuñado García

Diego Cuñado García

Senior Product Manager

Do you feel like your opinion matters at Hire Space?

Hire Space definitely listen to our views. As an example, when we challenged the number of holidays we had in Hire Space, the company decided to add two ‘Hire Space bank holidays’ for the whole company as well as an early finish on Fridays during summer time, which as you can imagine was very well received by the team!

Diego Cuñado García

Diego Cuñado García

Senior Product Manager

How do you feel Hire Space supports you as a parent?

The parental leave here at Hire Space is just out of this world. Having three months to adapt my whole lifestyle to the second baby was a HUGE help. Also, if I need to cancel last minute because my son is sick it’s never a problem, which removes one thing to worry about from the equation and leaves you to focus on what is really important.

Smail Ouballa

Smail Ouballa

Software Engineer

What’s a ‘day in the life’ like in your role?

I start 3h earlier than other Hire Spacers, perks of living in a different time zone. Connecting to Slack, checking my email and then planning my tasks for the day before preparing my coffee. My morning is dedicated to Code Reviews or any small tickets I can finish before the daily standup, my favourite part of the day, meeting the tech team to chat about what we are working on and spend a couple minutes talking about everything and nothing. After my lunch break, I continue working on my tickets backlog and enjoying coffee.

Smail Ouballa

Smail Ouballa

Software Engineer

What’s it like to work remotely at Hire Space?

Working remotely at Hire Space allows you to balance work and personal life; you get to plan your work to maximize your productivity. Trust is the corner stone of being remote at Hire Space, with flexible working hours, you take full ownership of whatever you are working on.

Want to ask your own question?

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